From Plumber to Yoga Coaching Student

When I got a text from Joe asking me to call him last month, I lit up.

Joe and I started working together last summer. I needed a plumber, and my neighbor gave me Joe’s information.

Joe and I hit it off, and when I went to pay him I used a check with Spectrum Yoga written in the top left corner.

Joe told me that he was looking for a yoga instructor. His doctor had suggested yoga after worsening back problems. He didn’t want to go to a group class, and a one-on-one instructor would work well for him.

We started once per week, and after a few months are schedules got in the way. We went down to meeting once a month, and then less than that around the holidays.

I called Joe last month, and he said this, “I’d really like to start back to yoga again. I can tell a real difference when I'm doing yoga with you”. Joe and I are working on our schedules to find a day and time where we can be consistent.

More to come!


The Style of Yoga I Teach, Part II


The Style of Yoga I Teach